Forty patients who were scheduled for a total hip arthroplasty were enrolle
d in a prospective study and were randomly divided into two groups. Group I
received recombinant human erythropoietin (300 U/kg twice a week), and gro
up 2 received placebo. The medication was started 2 weeks before the operat
ion, and only one dose of medication was given after the operation. Autolog
ous blood was administered at the same time as the medication until the hem
oglobin level sank to 10 g/dl. Forty-eight and 49 units of autologous blood
were collected in group 1 and group 2, respectively. Intraoperative homolo
gous blood was transfused only to patients in group 2. Seven and 13 units o
f allogenic blood were transfused into group 1 and group 2 patients during
the postoperative period, respectively. There were no any significant diffe
rences between the groups in terms of early postoperative hemoglobin level
and amount of autologous blood collected. However, the increase of the reti
culocyte count in patients who received erythropoietin was significantly hi
gher than in the group 2 patients. The study showed that short-term and low
-dose erythropoietin usage strongly stimulates the bone marrow. Eryrhropoie
tin administration and preoperative autologous blood donation diminished th
e total units of allogenic blood required during the intraoperative or post
operative period. Autologous blood administration without concurrent erythr
opoietin did not stimulate the bone marrow adequately.