Three topics are reviewed: iliopsoas bursitis (IPB), iliotibial band fricti
onal syndrome (ITBFS), and Achilles tendinopathy. Although not frequently d
iagnosed, IPB may be more prevalent than what is commonly thought. Several
excellent review articles are presented, Imaging studies are usually needed
for confirmation of the diagnosis, and a report on magnetic resonance imag
ing is presented. Successful treatment of IPB with home exercise is reviewe
d. Because an increasing number of people are exercising, there is an incre
asing need to know the syndromes that can result from overuse, such as ITBF
S, Several articles on the use of diagnostic ultrasonography and magnetic r
esonance imaging to aid in the confirmation of this entity are reviewed; on
e article explores the pathology of ITBFS in a cadaveric study. In the sect
ion of the treatment of ITBFS the authors review one article on exercise an
d one on surgery. Use of ultrasound to aid in the diagnosis of Achilles ten
dinopathy is reviewed, as well as risk factors related to developing it. Tw
o articles on surgical treatment are reviewed. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins. Inc.