In recent years, one of the more alarming aspects of clinical microbiology
has been the dramatic increase in the incidence of antibacterial resistance
among pathogens causing nosocomial as well as community-acquired infection
s. Numerous antibacterial agents have lost their in vitro activity as a res
ult of selective pressure exerted by antibacterial usage. There is a genera
l consensus on the fact that emergence and spread of resistance may be dela
yed by improving hygiene measures, reducing inappropriate use of antibacter
ials, and adopting successful empirical therapy based on sound epidemiologi
cal data. As a consequence, worldwide international studies of antibacteria
l resistance surveillance have been established. Surveys such as the Alexan
der Project and the SENTRY Programme supply high quality data to participat
ing countries, stimulate collaboration and provide the educational informat
ion required for clinical decision-making that may result in improved curl