The fushi tarazu factor 1 (FTZ-F1) gene family constitutes a subgroup of or
phan nuclear receptors which can be divided into two groups (LRH/FTF- and S
F-1/Ad4BP-like) based on sequence homology, function, and tissue distributi
on. Analysis of zebrafish FTZ-F1 homologues (zFF1 and ff1b) during embryoge
nesis indicated distinct expression patterns for both genes. Besides the pr
eviously observed expression in pituitary/hypothalamus and mandibular arch,
zFF1 transcripts were also detected in domains corresponding to the pronep
hric duct, somites, liver, and hindbrain. Additionally, ff1b transcripts we
re detected at other developmental stages than earlier documented. Comparat
ive sequence analysis showed that zFF1 exhibited higher sequence similarity
to the LRH/FTF group than the SF-1/Ad4BP group, whereas ff1b was indisting
uishable between the groups. These observations, coupled with obtained expr
ession patterns, indicate that zebrafish FTZ-F1 homologues exhibit characte
ristics that are indicative of both LRH/FTF- and SF-1/ Ad4BP-like genes. (C
) 2001 Academic Press.