To determine whether the BCL10 mutation plays a role in the oncogenesis of
plasma cell dyscrasias, we used polymerase chain reaction-single-strand con
formation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and direct sequencing analysis and examin
ed the genomic BCL10 mutations in 57 patients with multiple myeloma or plas
ma cell leukemia and 52 normal bone marrow samples. We found three polymorp
hic sequence variants, either alone or in combination, at codons 5 and 8, a
nd in intron I at base 58 of the BCL10 gene in 37 patients with plasma cell
dyscrasia. Identical aberrant band shifts were also observed in 34 normal
marrow samples. No polymorphic variants were identified in exon 2 or 3 in e
ither patient or control samples, and no pathogenic mutations were detected
. patients with plasma cell dyscrasias in Taiwan appeared to have a higher
frequency of polymorphisms at codon 5 and intron I at base 58, and a lower
frequency at codons 8 and 2 13. Our results suggest that BCL10 is not invol
ved in the oncogenesis of plasma cell dyscrasias. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.