The recently discovered Bamsk gold deposit is of a large scale. It is situa
ted in the Amur oblast in Russia. The deposit is confined to a central type
volcanoplutonic uplift of that formed during the early Cretaceous megastag
e of the Precambrian Stanovoi fold belt. The deposit is a set of auriferous
quartz and carbonate-quartz vein and veinlet zones, which art: located ove
r the early Cretaceous Nevachansk subvolcanic syenite-porphyry intrusion. T
he ore mineralization is controlled by a system of en echelon fissures deve
loped in the hanging wall of the Bamsk ore-screening fault. Quartz, carbona
tes, and sericite prevail. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, scheelite, and nat
ive gold are the prevalent minerals, the total amount of which does not exc
eed 1 to 5 vol %. Tennantite-tetrahedrite minerals, gold and silver telluri
des, sulfobismuthides, acantite, sphalerite, and cinnabar are less widespre
ad. Four stages of mineralization were recognized. The gold-sulfide-sulfosa
lt stage with gold and silver tellurides is the most commercially important
for gold extraction. The deposition of major amount of native fold, sulfos
alts, and tellurides is assumed to have occurred from relatively low-temper
ature (250 to 180 degreesC) hydrothermal solutions under nearly neutral to
weakly alkaline conditions and in a weakly oxidized environment. A set of e
lements (including Au, Ag, Cu, Bi, Mo, Pb, and Sb), which is characteristic
for ores, was revealed. The lateral and vertical geochemical zonality of m
ineralization was established. The vertical zoning tl end is as follows (fr
om bottom to top) of (W-1, Pb-1, Mo)-Cu-(Ag, Bi, Sb, Mn, W-2, Pb-2). Host r
ocks were subjected to processes of listvenitization-beresitization. Gumbei
tization and argillization occur more rarely. The K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages of go
ld mineralization were determined at 109 to 129 Ma and 130.6 Ma, respective