Telecommunication networks are experiencing a dramatic increase in demand f
or capacity, much of it related to the exponential takeup of the Internet a
nd associated services. To support this demand economically, transport netw
orks are evolving to provide a reconfigurable optical layer which, with opt
ical cross-connects, will realize a high-bandwidth flexible core. As well a
s providing large capacity, this new layer will be required to support new
services such as rapid provisioning of an end-to-end connection under custo
mer control. The first phase of network evolution, therefore, will provide
a circuit-switched optical layer characterized by high capacity and fast ci
rcuit provisioning. In the longer term, it is currently envisaged that the
bandwidth efficiency associated with optical packet switching (a transport
technology that matches the bursty nature of multimedia traffic) will be re
quired to ensure economic use of network resources. This article considers
possible network application scenarios for optical packet switching. In par
ticular, it focuses on the concept of an optical packet router as an edge n
etwork device, functioning as an interface between the electronic and optic
al domains. In this application it can provide a scalable and efficient IP
traffic aggregator that may provide greater flexibility and efficiency than
an electronic terabit router with reduced cost. The discussion considers t
he main technical issues relating to the concept and its implementation.