The use of stereoscopic SAR images offers an alternative to interferometric
SAR for the generation of digital elevation models (DEMs), The stereo rada
rgrammetric method is robust and can generate DEMs of sufficient accuracy t
o geocode SAR images, Previous work has shown that ground coordinates with
accuracy of four times the resolution cell can be obtained from ERS data wi
thout using any ground control points (GCPs), where the high accuracy of th
e orbit and satellite position of the order of meters introduce insignifica
nt errors into the intersection procedure, The orbit data for RADARSAT is n
ot as accurate as that for ERS, and the perpendicular relationship between
the resultant velocity vector and the resultant range vector is uncertain i
n terms of image geometry. Hence, it is necessary to refine the method to a
llow for possible errors. This paper introduces a weighted space intersecti
on algorithm based on an analysis of the predicted errors. A radargrammetri
c error model for observation errors is also formulated to predict the accu
racy of the algorithm, The revised method can be used without any GCPs, but
this can lead to systematic errors due to less accurate orbit data, and it
has been found that the use of two GCPs provides a reasonable solution. Th
e method is insensitive to the spatial distribution of GCPs, which is often
critical in traditional methods. The error statistics of the results gener
ated from 32 independent check points, distributed through the entire SAR i
mage, approach the predicted errors and give positional accuracy of 38 m in
three dimensions.