We made an intracellular single-chain variable fragment (sFv) from the C219
monoclonal antibody that recognized the intracellular domain of the multid
rug resistance (MDR) gene product, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), Immuno-cytochemis
try using the FITC conjugated anti-C-myc tag antibody showed that the sFv p
rotein was expressed in the cytoplasm of the cells. Although transfection o
f the sFv did not result in the down-regulation of P-gp expression in P-gp
positive MDR cells as determined by flow cytometry analysis, Adriamycin (AD
M) uptake and Rhodamine123 (Rh123) retention were increased by the C219 int
ra-cellular sFv transfection. The transfected cells exhibited a higher sens
itivity to ADM using a 10-day colony formation assay. The conventional 3-da
y MTT assay showed the drug resistant tendency in C219 sFv transfected cell
we tested. The growth rate of C219 sFv transfected cells was delayed in al
l non-MDR and MDR cells that might be the reason why C219 transfected cells
exhibited the drug resistant tendency in the MTT assay. Despite this unexp
ected effect of C219 sFv on growth rate, our data suggest that the intra-ce
llular sFv technique could knockout MDR functionally and may offer a means
of increasing the effectiveness of tumor chemotherapy. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss,