Maltreatment of the elderly is a common problem that affects more than 3% o
f the elderly. We report on two cases of fatal neglect. Risk factors of vic
tims and caregivers were analysed in the context of the social history. In
both cases, the victims had a dominant personality and the abusers (the son
s) had been strictly controlled and formed by the parent. The victims showe
d typical risk factors such as living together with the abuser, isolation,
dependence on care, income and money administration. Initially, the victims
declined help from outside and self-neglect occurred. The unemployed perpe
trators lived in social isolation and depended financially and mentally on
the victims. In both cases no mental illness was present but there was a de
crease of social competence. Legal medicine is predominantly involved in fa
tal cases in connection with external post-mortem examinations and autopsie
s. Also in the living, the medico-legal expert can assist in the identifica
tion of findings in elderly persons in cases of suspected abuse.