The purely elastic stability and bifurcation of the one-dimensional plane P
oiseuille flow is determined for a large class of Oldroyd fluids with added
viscosity which typically represent polymer solutions composed of a Newton
ian solvent and a polymeric solute. The problem is reduced to a nonlinear d
ynamical system using the Galerkin projection method. It is shown that elas
tic normal stress effects can be solely responsible for the destabilization
of the base (Poiseuille) flow. It is found drat the stability and bifurcat
ion picture is dramatically influenced by the solvent-to-solute viscosity r
atio, epsilon. As the flow deviates frost the Newtonian limit and epsilon d
ecreases below a critical value, the base flow loses its stability. Two sta
tic bifurcations emerge at two critical Weissenberg numbers, forming a clos
ed diagram that widens the level of elasticity increases.