Purpose:The antiarrhythmic efficacy of adenosine during states of AV-nodal
reentrant tachycardias is well known and clinically established. Adenosine
is also able to reduce ventricular arrhythmias when applied before coronary
ligation in rats. Hypoxia or ischemia leads to an increased production of
adenosine by cardiac myocytes, The purpose of this study was to evaluate if
adenosine also has a direct antiarrhythmic effect on ischemia-induced vent
ricular fibrillation.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the antiarrhythmic effects of adenosi
ne on ventricular fibrillation during global (low flow) ischemia were evalu
ated in isolated guinea pig hearts perfused by the method of Langendorff,
Results: Adenosine showed a doss-dependent prolongation of the peak to peak
interval of the ventricular ECG signal during ventricular fibrillation unt
il ventricular flutter or tachycardia occurred at a concentration of 2 mmol
/L. At a concentration of 20 mmol/L, adenosine converted ventricular fibril
lation into ventricular tachycardia with intermittent periods of asystole.
This conversion of ventricular fibrillation to asystole was antagonised by
200 mu mol/L theophylline,
Conclusion: Adenosine appears to have an anti-arrhythmogenic effect both in
supraventricular and ventricular rhythm disturbances. During myocardial in
farction, where huge amounts of adenosine are present in ischemic regions,
asystole may respond to adenosine antagonists. Copyright (C) 2001 by W.B. S
aunders Company.