Motoneurons respond to peripheral nerve transection by either regenerative
or degenerative events depending on their state of maturation. Since the ex
pression of c-jun has been involved in the early signalling of the regenera
tive process that follows nerve transection in adults, we have investigated
c-jun on rat neonatal axotomized motoneurons during the period in which ne
uronal death is induced. Changes in levels of c-Jun protein and its mRNA we
re determined by means of quantitative immunocytochemistry and in situ hybr
idization. Three hours after nerve transection performed on postnatal day (
P)3, c-Jun protein and mRNA is induced in axotomized spinal cord motoneuron
s, and high levels were reached between 1 and 10 days after, This response
is associated with a detectable c-Jun activation by phosphorylation on seri
ne 63, No changes were found in the levels of activating transcription fact
or -2, Most of dying motoneurons were not labelled by either a specific c-J
un antibody or a c-jun mRNA probe. However, dying motoneurons were specific
ally stained by a polyclonal anti c-Jun antibody, indicating that some c-Ju
n antibodies react with unknown epitopes, probably distinct from c-Jun p39,
that are specifically associated with apoptosis, J. Neurosci, Res, 63:469-
479, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.