In the accompanying paper (Scholes, G. D.; Jordanides, X. J.; Fleming, G. R
. J. Phys. Chem. 2001, 105, 1640), a generalization of Forster theory is de
veloped to calculate electronic energy transfer (EET) in molecular aggregat
es. Here we apply the theory to wild-type and mutant photosynthetic reactio
n centers (RCs) from Rb. sphaeroides, as well as to the wild-type RC from R
ps. viridis. Experimental information from the X-ray crystallographic struc
ture, resonance Raman excitation profiles, and hole-burning measurements ar
e integrated with calculated electronic couplings to model the EET dynamics
within the RC complex. Optical absorption and circular dichroism spectra a
re calculated at various temperatures between 10 K and room temperature, an
d compare well with the experimentally observed spectra. The calculated ris
e time of the population of the lower exciton state of P, P-, as a result o
f energy transfer from the accessory bacteriochlorophyll, B, to the special
pair, P, in Rb. sphaeroides (Rps. viridis) wild-type at 298 K is 193 fs (2
39 fs), and is in satisfactory agreement with experimental results. Our cal
culations, which employ a weak-coupling mechanism suggest that the upper ex
citon state of P, P+ plays a central role in trapping excitation from B. Ou
r ability to predict the experimental rates is partly attributed to a prope
r calculation of the spectral overlap J(partial derivative alpha)(epsilon)
using the vibronic progressions. The main advance we have made, however, is
to calculate the electronic couplings V-partial derivative alpha in terms
of the molecular composition of donor and/or acceptor aggregates, rather th
an treating the accepters P+ and P- as point dipoles associated with each s
pectroscopic band. Thus, we believe our electronic couplings capture the es
sence of the many-body interactions within the RC. Calculations for EET in
two mutants, (M)L214H (the beta mutant) and (M)H202L (the heterodimer), are
in reasonable agreement with experimental results. In the case of the hete
rodimer the agreement depends on a decrease in the electronic couplings bet
ween D-M and the rest of the pigments.