Epitaxic thin and ultrathin films on surfaces allow crystallographic phases
that do not occur naturally in the bulk to be stabilized. They also offer
new possibilities for an improved understanding of soft X-ray photoabsorpti
on in magnetic systems. Data collected using the Elliptically Polarizing Un
dulator at BL 5.2 of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory are pres
ented herein. Fe, Co and Ni films were prepared on Cu(100) surfaces. L-2,L-
3-edge spectra were recorded with circular and linear light. Fresnel diffra
ctometry was used to quantify the degree of transverse beam coherence. A qu
antitative analysis of the spectral features indicates a correlation of the
spectral intensities and the transverse beam coherence. Resonant reflectiv
ity spectra for Co ultrathin films that exhibit strong dichroism are presen
ted. The reflectivity data indicate that interference effects of the reflec
ted beams at the two interfaces are of importance, even for ultrathin films