Recently we have measured Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence (PEPICO) spect
ra for selenium dimer Se-2 and larger species such as Se-5 at the beamline
BL-12C in Photon Factory. The PEPICO spectra reveal that the multiply charg
ed ions, Sez+, are produced as a result of de-excitation processes followin
g the inner-shell excitation and fragmented to atomic ions owing to the Cou
lomb explosion. The branching ratios from the parent clusters to the daught
er ions exhibit clear dependence on the size of the parent clusters. In par
ticular, the branching ratios in the non-resonant absorption region are wel
l reproduced by assuming that the charges are randomly distributed within t
he clusters before the Coulomb explosion. Based upon these findings, we pro
pose a new method for the size-selective EXAFS of neutral free clusters by
utilizing the PEPICO measurements.