Heat shock proteins (HSPs) play a critical role in maintaining cellular hom
eostasis and protecting cells during episodes of acute stress. Specifically
, HSPs of the 70 kDa family (i.e.. HSP72) are important in preventing ische
mia-reperfusion induced apoptosis. necrosis. and oxidative injury in a vari
ety of cell types including the cardiac myocyte. Evidence indicates that HS
P72 may contribute to cellular protection against a variety of stresses by
preventing protein aggregation. assisting in the refolding of damaged prote
ins, and chaperoning nascent polypeptides along ribosomes. Endurance exerci
se is a physiological stress that can be used to elevate myocardial levels
of HSP72. It is now clear that endurance exercise training can elevate myoc
ardial HSP72 by 400-500%% in young adult animals. Importantly, an exercise-
induced elevation in myocardial HSPs is associated with a reduction in isch
emia-reperfusion (I-R) injury in the heart. Although it seems likely that e
xercise-induced elevations in myocardial levels of HSPs play an important r
ole in this protection against an I-R insult, new evidence suggests that ot
her factors may also be involved. This is an important area for future rese