Purpose: The purpose was to compare the conventional (CVT) and pars-backhan
d (PBT) techniques used for racing wheelchair propulsion. Selected 3-D kine
matic characteristics of the upper body and the electromyographic (EMG) sig
nals of selected muscles during racing wheelchair propulsion over a roller
system were examined. Methods: Eight CVT and seven PBT elite performers ser
ved as the subjects. Each subject performed maximum effort pushing for 30 s
at a load that simulated overground pushing. Two S-VHS camcorders (60 Hz)
were used to obtain 3-D kinematic parameters and muscle activity was monito
red using surface electrodes. Results: The CVT was found to have significan
t shorter push time. smaller relative push time, and greater relative recov
ery time than the PBT. The CVT is a more compact stroke (smaller joint rang
e of motion) and the PBT has a faster overall movement speed. Significant d
ifferences in arm positions were found between the two techniques at the in
stants of hand contact and hand release. and the upper arm was more interna
lly rotated at these two instants in the CVT when compared with the PBT. Th
e EMG data showed that large variations in muscle activation patterns exist
ed in each technique group. In general. the flexor carpi radialis and trice
ps brachii were most active in the push phase. The upper trapezius and post
ero-middle deltoids were most active in the ascending recovery phase, where
as the extensor carpi radialis. biceps brachii, antero-middle deltoids. and
pectoralis major were most active during the descending recovery phase. Co
nclusions: The greater push time and push angle associated with the PBT sug
gest that the PBT may be more suitable for endurance athletes who are less
explosive in their pushing strokes. The greater time and angle allow PBT us
ers the opportunity to transmit more force to the wheel.