The tip-of-the-tongue state (TOT) is the phenomenological experience that a
word is on the verge of being recalled. Participants rated TOTs as either
emotional or nonemotional. In Experiment 1, given general-information quest
ions, participants spent more time attempting retrieval during emotional TO
Ts than during nonemotional TOTs or n-TOTs (retrieval failures not accompan
ied by TOTs). Experiment 2 replicated the effect that TOTs show longer retr
ieval times than n-TOTs. In Experiment 3, with word definitions as stimuli,
retrieval times were longer for emotional TOTs. Experiment 3 showed the sa
me relation between retrieval times and TOTs even when participants made re
trospective decisions about whether they had experienced a TOT before they
retrieved the correct target. Valence of emotion was correlated with correc
t resolution of the TOT. These results are discussed in the context of a me
tacognitive model, in which TOTs serve to monitor and control cognition.