Based on an improved calculation formalism of the proximity effect, the tra
nsition temperature T-c, the parallel (H-c2 parallel to) and perpendicular
(H-c2 perpendicular to) critical fields of the Nb50Ti50/Nb superlattice hav
e been analyzed as a function of the structural modulation wavelength lambd
a (s). T-c, H-c2 parallel to and H-c2 perpendicular to have been calculated
using a unified set of the material parameters and allowing for the transi
tion of the center of the order parameter between the NbTi and Nb layers. T
he calculation has systematically reproduced the characteristics of H-c2 pa
rallel to and H-c2 perpendicular to including the two-step dimensional cros
sover of H-c2 parallel to(T) and the anomalous upward curvature of H-c2 per
pendicular to(T).