The hydriding behavior of the heavy fermion compound UNiAl has been investi
gated. A range of hydride compositions with orthorhombic structure (space g
roup Pnma) has been stabilized. As a result, a different nomenclature for t
he UNiAlHy hydride phases is proposed. X-ray diffraction and magnetic studi
es are reported on three compositions in this range of hydrides, viz., y =
0.06, 0.14, and 0.58. All these compositions do not show magnetic ordering
down to 2 K, though weak ferromagnetic correlations are apparent in their m
agnetic studies. Low effective moment values on uranium atoms in these case
s, appreciably below the value for itinerant antiferromagnetic UNiAl, indic
ate increased itinerant character of U 5f electrons. We also report magneti
zation studies on hexagonal UNiAlHy (y = 0.7). It shows ferromagnetic order
ing below 87 K. This means that in the hexagonal hydride phases, the nature
of magnetic ordering changes from antiferromagnetic (y = 0) to ferromagnet
ic (y = 0.7) and again back to antiferromagnetic for y = 2.3. It is shown t
hat the moment on the uranium atoms in the hexagonal hydride phases (y cong
ruent to 0.7 and 2.0-2.5) is close to the free-ion local moment value.