Neutrino oscillation scenarios predict correlations, and zones of avoidance
, among measurable quantities such as spectral energy distortions, total fl
uxes, time dependences, and flavor content. The comparison of observed and
predicted correlations will enhance the diagnostic power of solar neutrino
experiments. A general test of all presently allowed (2 nu) oscillation sol
utions is that future measurements must yield values outside the predicted
zones of avoidance. To illustrate the discriminatory power of the simultane
ous analysis of multiple observables, we map currently allowed regions of D
eltam(2) - sin(2) 2 theta onto planes of quantities measurable with the Sud
bury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). We calculate the correlations that are pre
dicted by vacuum and MSW (active and sterile) neutrino oscillation solution
s that are globally consistent with all available neutrino data. We derive
approximate analytic expressions for the dependence of individual observabl
es and specific correlations upon neutrino oscillations parameters. We also
discuss the prospects for identifying the correct oscillation solution usi
ng multiple SNO observables.