At the time of patient discharge from psychiatric care communication betwee
n primary and secondary care needs to be as effective and efficient as poss
ible. We looked at the impact of discharge coordinators on length of stay,
readmission rates, mental health status and patient/carer satisfaction. The
re were no differences in length of stay, readmission rates within 6 months
or mental health status at 1 month. Global satisfaction in patients was no
different between those with discharge coordinators and those without. How
ever, those without involvement felt they were able to deal more effectivel
y with their problems and felt that their general practitioner spent more t
ime with them at discharge. Carers with no discharge coordinator input were
more satisfied with the arrangements made with their relative at the time
of discharge. It may he that a resultant shift in the balance of care when
the discharge coordinator was involved contributes towards these results. F
urther work needs to be done on the area of patient/carer satisfaction and
how the needs of the service can complement the needs of the patient and ca
rer. Primary Care Psychiatry 2000; 6:149-153, Copyright (C) 2000 by LibraPh
arm Limited.