Background: The ECLAMC (Estudio Colaborativo Latinamericano de Malformacion
es Congenitas) is an epidemiological surveillance program for congenital de
fects that operates in Chile since 1969. Aim: To communicate the frequency
of disabling congenital defects in Chile in the period 1982-1997. Material
and methods: A review of the ECLAMC registry, choosing 12 congenital defect
s: amelia, limb amputations, limb reductions, arthrogryposis, hip luxation
and subluxation, spina bifida, hydrocephaly, microcephaly, cephalocele, tal
ipes equinovarus, Down syndrome and multiple abnormalities. Results: In the
study period, 283,403 births occurred and 7,917 newborns were malformed (7
,654 born alive and 263 stillbirths). The congenital defects prevalence rat
es appeared higher in Chile than in other Latin American countries, special
ly among stillbirths. Among the studied maternity hospitals, the Clinical H
ospital of the University of Chile, showed the higher prevalence of congeni
tal defects. Rancagua and the Navy Hospital in Valparaiso have a high frequ
ency of Down syndrome. Global rates in Chile and in the rest of ECLAMC for
specific defects, do not have significant differences, except for hip sublu
xation, that has a lower incidence in Chile. Conclusions: The ECLAMC allows
to have a good knowledge of the prevalence of congenital malformations in
Latin America (Rev Med Chile 2001; 129: 67-74).