On September 29(th), 2000, The Chilean Association of Journal Editors was f
ounded, sponsored by the "Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y T
ecnologica (CONICYT)" (the Governmental Agency promoting and funding scient
ific research and technological development in Chile) and the "Sociedad Med
ica de Santiago" (Chilean Society of Internal Medicine). The Association ad
opted the goals of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and ther
efore it will foster "cooperation and communication among Editors of Chilea
n biomedical journals; to improve editorial standards, to promote professio
nalism in medical editing through education, self-criticism and self-regula
tion; and to encourage research on the principles and practice of medical e
diting". Twenty nine journals covering a closely similar number of differen
t biomedical sciences medical specialties, veterinary, dentistry and nursin
g, became Founding Members of the Association. A Governing Board was electe
d: President: Humberto Reyes, M.D. (Editor; Revista Medica de Chile); Vice-
President: Mariano del Sol, M.D. (Editor, Revista Chilena de Anatomia); Sec
retary: Anna Maria Prat (CONICYT); Councilors: Manuel Krauskopff, Ph.D. (Ed
itor, Biological Research) and Maritza Rahal, M.D. (Editor, Revista de Otor
rinolaringologia y Cirugia de Cabeza y Cuello). The Association will organi
ze a Symposium on Biomedical Journal Editing and will spread information si
mulating Chilean biomedical journals to become indexed in international dat
abases and in SciELO-Chile, the main Chilean scientific website (www.scielo
.cl)(Rev Med Chile 2001; 129: 95-98).