Strongly reduced RBa2Cu3O6.12 (R = Dy, Ho, Tm) phases are fluorinated using
XeF2 as the fluorinating agent. The fluorinated compounds are structurally
studied by X-ray powder diffraction, electron diffraction, and high-resolu
tion electron microscopy. Fluorine is incorporated into anion-deficient lay
ers Cu(1), forming an octahedral surrounding around some copper atoms. The
consequences are an appreciable lengthening of the apical distances Cu-O an
d an increase in the unit cell parameter c. Because of the inhomogeneous in
corporation of fluorine, regions with completely occupied anionic positions
in the Cu(1) layer exist only as local defects for which c reaches a value
of 12.9 Angstrom. The fluorination basically occurs by the anion-exchange
mechanism, which does not allow the copper to acquire the oxidation number
necessary for superconductivity to appear.