Aim. To characterize relationship between prevalence of ankylosing spondyla
rthritis (ASA) and incidence rate of HLA-B27 in genotypically different eth
nic groups of Russia with interpolation of the results to other populations
Material and methods. 2287 individuals from genotypically different ethnic
groups were examined in overall one-stage epidemiological trial.
Results. Prevalence of ASA in ethnic groups ranged from 0.2 to 2.0% while o
ccurrence of HLA0B27 - from 15 to 40%. Rate of correlation between the dise
ase prevalence and incidence of B27 was 0.82. The equation for calculation
of ASA incidence rate by HLA-B27 incidence was devised: AC(%) = -0.40+0.06x
Conclusion. In most world populations prevalence of ASA correlates with pop
ulation frequency HLA-B27 though in some ethnic groups this correlation is
absent. Consequently, ASA is genetically heterogenous.