Purpose: Chirotherapy is a popular and successful management option far rev
ersible functional disorders of the cervical spine. Though rarely observed,
complications do occur, mainly involving the cerebrovascular system. By me
ans of the here described case and a literature survey, we aim to highlight
non-cerebrovascular complications of chirotherapeutic cervical spine manip
ulation. Results: A 43-year-old mate initially consulted an ENT specialist,
suffering from tinnitus aurium and loss of hearing ability. His hearing si
gnificantly increased after intravenous drug therapy, but the tinnitus rema
ined. During chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine by an orthopae
dic surgeon for the tinnitus, the patient described severe neck pain follow
ing a clearly audible clicking sound. Scans of the cervical spine prior to
and after manipulation showed an intracapsular/intraosseus oedema of the fa
cet joints C2/C3 with lesion of the nerve root C3, most probably induced by
chirotherapy. Conclusion: Although complications after chiropractic manipu
lation are extremely rare, treatment of the spine, especially the cervical
spine, is not wholly harmless. An adequate history taking followed by clini
cal and radiographic patient evaluation is necessary to keep the risk of ia
trogenic trauma at a minimum. Above all, the chiropractic manipulation of t
he cervical spine belongs in the hands of a qualified and experienced medic
al practitioner.