Background: Mutations in the tau gene have been reported in families with f
rontotemporal dementia (FTD) linked to chromosome 17. It remains uncertain
how commonly such mutations are found in patients with FTD or non-Alzheimer
dementia with or without a positive family history.
Objective: To determine the frequency of tau mutations in patients with non
-Alzheimer dementia.
Patients and Methods: One hundred one patients with non-Alzheimer, nonvascu
lar dementia, most thought to have FTD. Of these, 57 had a positive family
history of dementia. Neuropathologic findings were available in 32. The tau
gene was sequenced for all exons including flanking intronic DNA, portions
of the 3' and 5' untranslated regions, and at least 146 base pairs in the
intron following exon 10.
Results: Overall, the frequency of the tau mutations was low, being 5.9% (6
/101) in the entire group. No mutations were found in the 44 sporadic cases
. However, 6 (10.5%) of the 57 familial cases and 4 (33%) of the 12 familia
l cases with tau pathologic findings had mutations in the tau gene. The mos
t common mutation was P301L.
Conclusions: We conclude that tau mutations are uncommon in a neurology ref
erral population with non-Alzheimer dementia, even in those with a clinical
diagnosis of FTD. However, a positive family history and/or tau pathologic
findings increase the likelihood of a tau mutation. There must be other ge
netic and nongenetic causes of FTD and non-Alzheimer dementia, similar to t
he etiologic heterogeneity present in Alzheimer disease.