Osteoclast activation is a critical cellular process for pathological bone
resorption, such as erosions in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or generalized bo
ne loss. Among many factors triggering excessive osteoclast activity, cytok
ines such as IL-1 or tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha play a central role
. New members of the TNF receptor ligand family (namely receptor activator
of nuclear factor-kappaB [RANK] and RANK ligand [RANKL]) have been discover
ed whose cross-interaction is mandatory for the differentiation of osteocla
sts from hemopoietic precursors, in both physiological and pathological sit
uations. Osteoprotegerin, a decoy receptor which blocks this interaction, d
ecreases osteoclast activity and could have a fascinating therapeutic poten
tial in conditions associated with upregulated bone resorption.