There is mounting evidence indicating that the synovial fibroblast is a dir
ect effector of tissue injury and matrix remodeling in inflammatory synovit
is. Through the elaboration of effector signals including cytokines and che
mokines, mesenchymal cells stimulate or suppress inflammation via autocrine
and paracrine mechanisms. Synovial fibroblasts are the principal cells med
iating joint destruction through secretion of metalloproteinases, and recen
t evidence suggests that they may also promote bone resorption by stimulati
ng osteoclastogenesis. Moreover, they may play an integral role in the init
ial phases of synovitis by releasing chemokines that recruit leukocytes to
the joint, and cytokines that trigger angiogenesis. Studies focusing on syn
oviocyte-leukocyte interactions mediated via the cytokine network and the r
ole of cell-cell contact in driving synoviocyte activation will help define
the complex interplay that leads to the initiation and perpetuation of syn
ovial inflammation.