The immune system has high costs of maintenance and production and expressi
on of immune function should be dependent on the condition of the individua
l. The :fitness cost that parasites impose on hosts may then be reflected i
n the investment that hosts make in immunity. Little is known about sources
and consequences of intra- and interspecific variation in the presence and
size of organs of the immune system in relation to ectoparasitism. Variati
on in the presence and size of the bursa of Fabricius and spleen size was m
easured to assess potential relationships between immune defence, nutrition
al condition and ectoparasites in the Magpie Pica pica. We found three spec
ies of lice (Mallophaga), two species of louse flies (Hippoboscidae), and t
he larvae of a tick (Ixodidae) infecting magpies. Age explained a significa
nt proportion of variation in prevalence and number of parasite species, fi
rst-year birds being more parasitized than adults. Spleen size increased wi
th nutritional condition, and the level of ectoparasitism negatively affect
ed nutritional condition. Only one species of lice (Philopterus picae) was
involved; the negative effect of this species on nutritional condition was
more pronounced in males than females. These results are consistent with th
e hypotheses of condition-dependent investment in the immune system and sex
ual differences in susceptibility to parasite effects. Ectoparasites may th
us play a role in modulating the relationship between condition and immune
defence. We also found evidence for an interaction between the bursa and th
e spleen. Magpies with bursa had larger spleens than those where it had atr
ophied. This interaction did not affect ectoparasitism or nutritional condi
tion. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.