Inactivation of the p16(INK4a) (p16) tumor suppressor gene by promoter hype
rmethylation and mutation within exon 3 of beta -catenin represent two of t
he more common gene alterations in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), On
e exposure implicated in the development of liver cancer is hepatitis B or
C viral infection, which causes chronic destruction and regeneration of liv
er parenchyma. Treatment of rats with high doses of the tobacco-specific ni
trosamine 4-methylnitrosamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) also causes li
ver toxicity and a high incidence of tumors. The purpose of the current inv
estigation was to define the prevalence of genetic alterations in p16 and b
eta -catenin in NNK-induced rat liver cancer to determine if the molecular
mechanisms seen in human tumors are the same in this animal model. DNA isol
ated from 15 adenomas and 14 carcinomas was examined for methylation of p16
by methylation-specific PCR, p16 methylation was detected in five of 15 ad
enomas acid eight of 14 carcinomas (45% of all tumors), Methylation of p16
was extensive within the 5'-untranslated region and exon la, areas shown to
correlate with loss of gene transcription. Liver tumors were also screened
for mutations within exon 3 of beta -catenin. single strand conformation p
olymorphism and DNA sequencing revealed five mutations in four of 29 tumors
(14%). Mutations were present in three adenomas and one carcinoma and were
located within codons 33, 36 or 37, All mutations resulted in amino acid s
ubstitutions; three of these mutations occurred at potential serine phospho
rylation sites, Our results link two important regulatory pathways altered
in human HCC to cancer induced in the rat NNK model. The fact that common g
enetic alterations are observed between rodent and human HCC suggests that
the rat NNK model could be useful for identifying additional genetic altera
tions critical to the initiation of HCC.