This study examined the association between suicidality, family factors, an
d clinical and diagnostic variables in depressed adult inpatients. The subj
ects were 121 depressed adult inpatients living with a family member or sig
nificant other. Demographic, clinical, and diagnostic information about the
patient, and subjective and observer ratings of family functioning were ob
tained. Trained interviewers rated families of suicidal depressed patients
as more dysfunctional than families of patients with no history of attempte
d suicide. In a logistic regression model, earlier age of depression onset,
number of psychiatric hospitalizations, and objectively rated poorer famil
y communication were associated with a history of a prior suicide attempt.
Also, modest evidence suggested that patients with a prior suicide attempt
perceived their families as more dysfunctional than did their respective fa
mily members. Variations in family functioning are associated with differen
t degrees of suicidality. However, prospective longitudinal designs would e
lucidate the causal relation between family dysfunction and suicidal behavi
or. Copyright (C) 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.