We present the architecture, design and experimental research prototype imp
lementation of CitiTime, an open system architecture for the rapid developm
ent of advanced next-generation telephony services that overcomes some of t
he limitations of the current closed PSTN architecture and service model. C
itiTime allows communication sessions to be set up over the PSTN, the Inter
net, or a combination of both. Services can be provided by multiple coopera
ting distributed service providers, some of whom may use third-party softwa
re components which can be "plugged in" or even dynamically downloaded from
the network as needed. This allows advanced services to be deployed and de
livered to users rapidly, a crucial requirement in the increasingly competi
tive telecommunications services marketplace. CitiTime is built upon an obj
ect-oriented call model called Citi Call Control (CCC) which we have define
d as a small set of extensions to the standard Java Telephony API (JTAPI) c
all model. JTAPI is designed primarily for centralized, single provider, ca
ll center type applications. Our extensions provide support for multiple, d
istributed providers as well as advanced services. CCC hides details of und
erlying call-state management, protocols and hardware from applications. Th
e CitiTime prototype software is currently operational in our laboratory. W
e briefly describe its current implementation as well as future work to add
ress issues such as fault tolerance. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science