Protein folding mediated by the Hsp70 family of molecular chaperones requir
es both ATP and the co-chaperone Hdj-1. BAG-1 was recently identified as a
bcl-2-interacting, anti-apoptotic protein that binds to the ATPase domain o
f Hsp70 and prevents the release of the substrate. While this suggested tha
t cells had the potential to modulate Hsp70-mediated protein folding, physi
ological regulators of BAG-1 have yet to be identified. We report here that
the apoptotic regulator Scythe, originally isolated through binding to the
potent apoptotic inducer Reaper, shares limited sequence identity with BAG
-1 and inhibits Hsp70-mediated protein refolding. Scythe-mediated inhibitio
n of Hsp70 is reversed by Reaper, providing evidence for the regulated reve
rsible inhibition of chaperone activity. As Scythe functions downstream of
Reaper in apoptotic induction, these findings suggest that Scythe/Reaper ma
y signal apoptosis, in part through regulating the folding and activity of
apoptotic signaling molecules.