Objective: Solitary fibrous rumours (SFT) of the pleura are rare rumours or
iginated from the mesenchimal tissue underlying the mesothelial layer of th
e pleura. This tumours present unpredictable clinical course probably relat
ed to their histological and morphological characteristics. Methods: Twenty
-one patients affected by SFT of the pleura were referred to us for surgica
l resection from September 1984 to April 2000. They were 15 males and six f
emales with median age of 51 (range 15-73) years. Nine patients (43%) were
symptomatic and predominant clinical symptoms or signs were dyspnoea (19%),
coughing (14.3%), chest pain (28.5%), finger clubbing (14.3%) and hypoglyc
aemia (14.3%). Hypoglycaemia was related to a pathological incretion of ins
ulin-like growth factor 2 by the tumour. Chest radiograph and computed tomo
graphy of the chest revealed intra-thoracic homogeneous sharply delineated
round or lobulated mass sometimes associated with ipsilateral pleural effus
ion (19%) or causing pulmonary atelectasis with opacification of the comple
te hemithorax (19%). Surgical excision required 14 posterolateral thoracoto
mies, six anterior thoracotomies and one video-assisted thoracoscopy. Thirt
een tumours arose from visceral pleura and wedge resection was performed, s
even tumours arose from parietal pleura and extrapleural resection was carr
ied out without any chest-wall resection, one tumour growth within the uppe
r left lobe and required lobectomy. Tumours weighted from 22 to 1942 g and
measured from 22 x 12 x 8 to 330 x 280 x 190 mm. At cut section seven cases
(34%) revealed focal necrosis and hemorrhagic zones and on light microscop
y six cases (28.5%) were characterized by high mitotic count: characteristi
cs related with uncertain clinical behaviour. Immuno-histochemical reaction
s were in all cases positive for CD34. Results: In all our patients resecti
ons were complete. Paraneoplastic syndromes like hypoglycaemia and clubbing
receded after surgery. No intraoperative or perioperative medical or surgi
cal complications occurred. Median chest-drain duration timed 3 (range 2-5)
days and median hospital stay was 5 (range 4-7) days. Perioperative mortal
ity rate was 0%. Median follow-up was 68 (range 2-189) months: during this
period patients were submitted to chest Xray with 6-months interval to eval
uate possible local recurrence. Only one patient experienced tumour recurre
nce after 124 months followup: the tumour was suspected after observation o
f finger clubbing. The tumour was detected and excised by redo-thoracotomy.
Conclusions: Surgical resection of benign solitary fibrous tumours is usua
lly curative, but local recurrences can occur years after seemingly adequat
e surgical treatment. Malignant solitary fibrous rumours generally have a p
oor prognosis. Clinical follow-up and radiological follow-up are indicated
for both benign and malignant solitary fibrous tumours. (C) 2001 Elsevier S
cience B.V. All rights reserved.