Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a membrane-bound glycoprotein
highly restricted to prostatic epithelial cells. PSMA expression is increas
ed in association with prostatic cancer, particularly in hormone refractory
disease. Given its membrane-bound character, PSMA is an ideal sentinel mol
ecule Fur use in targeting prostatic cancer cells. Monoclonal antibodies sp
ecific for PSMA are available, beginning with the antibody 7E11.C5 which or
iginally defined PSMA and which has been developed for use in cancer detect
ion via immunoscintiscanning in the ProstaScint(TM) test. Newer second gene
ration antibodies specific for both linear amino acid sequence epitopes and
protein conformational epitopes on the extracellular domain of PSMA has be
en reported. Although most of these are murine antibodies, both humanised a
nd fully human examples have been dec-eloped, These antibodies are beginnin
g to work their cc;ay into clinical applications for potential improved dia
gnostic and therapeutic uses. Results to date suggest that antibodies speci
fic: for extracellular epitopes are significantly better for clinical uses
ill vivo than the 7E11.C5 antibody that is specific For an intracellular ep
itope. Current knowledge relating to PSMA-specific antibodies and their cli
nical uses and potential is described and evaluated.