International trade agreements are pushing the world in the direction of fr
ee trade. But price stabilization, which is inconsistent with completely fr
ee trade, remains important in developing Asia because of the large share o
f rice in economic output. A policy of pure price stabilization for rice, w
ithout consistent protection (either subsidization or taxation), can help t
o create the macroeconomic stability that is essential for sustained rapid
economic growth by increasing the quantity and efficiency of investment thr
oughout the economy. Pure price stabilization can also generate significant
equity gains by protecting poor consumers and farmers from sharp fluctuati
ons in prices. While domestic commodity price stabilization schemes have a
checkered history around the world, the experience of Asian countries in st
abilizing rice prices offers more scope for optimism. Asian governments hav
e been generally successful in stabilizing rice prices, and there are sever
al instances where this has been accomplished without sustained protection
of either consumers or farmers. However, there is room for improved stabili
zation mechanisms that would lower the costs of intervention. (C) 2001 Else
vier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.