This paper considers the demographic aspects of the ethnic history of
two modern ethnic groups in Kamchatka. The Itelmens and Kamchadals, wh
ose ancestors were the sedentary fishermen of Kamchatka, were referred
to simply as Kamchadals since the eighteenth century. The primary met
hod used to reconstruct the ethnic history of Kamchatka is a retrospec
tive examination of the marital preferences and patterns of the sedent
ary indigenous population. The factors which transformed the marital p
atterns and preferences and affected the formation of the two distinct
groups of Kamchadal descendants are examined. Among the constant fact
ors were the distance isolation of certain Kamchadal regions and a pre
ference for the preservation of ethnic endogamy. Temporal factors incl
uded shifting relationships among the various ethnic groups, epidemiol
ogical and ecological variables, and demographic indices.