Clear policies and expectations are key to increasing responsible service o
f alcohol in licensed establishments. Few training programs focus exclusive
ly on owners and managers of alcohol establishments to reduce the risk of a
lcohol service. Project ARM: Alcohol Risk Management is a one-on-one consul
tation program for owners and managers. Participants received information o
n risk level, policies to prevent illegal sales, legal issues, and staff co
mmunication. This nonrandomized demonstration project was implemented in fi
ve diverse bars. Two waves of underage and pseudo-intoxicated purchase atte
mpts were conducted pre- and postintervention in the five intervention bars
and nine matched control bars. Underage sales decreased by 11.5%, and sale
s to pseudo-intoxicated buyers decreased by 46%. Results were in the hypoth
esized direction but not statistically significant. A one-on-one, outlet-sp
ecific training program for owners and managers is a promising way to reduc
e illegal alcohol sales, particularly to obviously intoxicated individuals.