We study local systems arising from Rat line bundles over topologically tri
vial families U --> S of hyperplane complements in P-n. Imposing some gener
icity condition on the monodromy, one knows that fiberwise the cohomology o
f the local system is concentrated in the middle dimension and is computed
by the Aomoto complex, a subcomplex of global differential forms on a good
compactification pi: X --> S with logarithmic poles along D' = X \ U.
The families A' considered are obtained by fixing a configuration A of hype
rplanes and moving one additional hyperplane. The line bundle is the struct
ure sheaf, endowed with the connection d(rel) + omega, for a logarithmic re
lative differential form w. In this situation we construct the GauB-Manin c
onnection del on R(n)pi (*)(Omega (.)(X/S)(log D'), d(rel) + omega). We sho
w that these sheaves are free. Using the combinatorics of A' we give a basi
s for these sheaves and an algorithm to express the connection del in this
basis. The corresponding matrix depends too much on the combinatorics of th
e arrangement to be given in a closed form, but we illustrate the method wi
th some examples.
These results can be seen as a generalization of the hypergeometric functio