In the rat, 60 minutes of transient ischemia to the middle cerebral artery
results in infarction of the caudate putamen. Ischemic preconditioning with
20 minutes of transient focal ischemia produced tolerance (attenuated infa
rction volume) to 60 minutes of subsequent focal ischemia administered thre
e days, five days, or seven days later. Western blots from tolerant caudate
putamen demonstrated increased bcl-2 expression, maximum at 3 days and per
sisting through 7 days. Immunocytochemical examination found that bcl-2 was
expressed in cells with both neuronal and nonneuronal morphology in striat
um after preconditioning ischemia. bcl-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (O
DNs), bcl-2 sense ODNs, or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, vehicle) wa
s infused into the lateral ventricle for the 72 hours between the 20-minute
ischemic preconditioning and the 60-minute period of ischemia. Antisense O
DN treatment reduced expression of bcl-2 in the striatum and blocked the in
duction of tolerance by preconditioning ischemia. Sense and CSF treatments
had no effect on either bcl-2 expression or tolerance. In this model of ind
uced tolerance to focal ischemia, bcl-2 appears to be a major determinant.