Recently, fast computational methods for directly thinning the matrix of Me
thod of Moment (MoM), such as Impedance Matrix Localization (IML) [1], wave
let expansions [2], and Reduced Expansion and Field Testing (REFT) [3], hav
e been introduced. In this paper, we propose a simple approach to thin the
MoM matrix by using the concept of Measured Equation of Invariance (MEI) [4
]. This approach is referred to as Matrix Decomposition by MEI (MDMEI). A l
ittle effort is required to add the resulting method to any of a variety of
MoM programs for solving problems of wire antennas, and wire scattering. W
hen sparsity rate (ratio of non-zero elements to total elements) of the MDM
EI matrix reaches to 2.8%-5.6%, the results for a thin wire antenna with 8
lambda length and a thin wire scattering with 16 lambda length obtained, by
the MDMEI is in excellent agreement to the MoM results.