The resolution of infections with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major i
n mice requires a Th1 response that is closely associated with the expressi
on of IL-12, IFN-gamma, and inducible MO synthase, Previous Ab neutralizati
on studies or the use of mice deficient for both TNF receptors suggested th
at TNF plays only a limited role in the control of parasite replication in
vivo, In this study we demonstrate that resistant C57BL/6 (B6.WT) mice loca
lly infected with L. major rapidly succumb to progressive visceral leishman
iasis after deletion of the TNF gene by homologous recombination, A reducti
on of the parasite inoculum to 3000 promastigotes did not prevent the fatal
outcome of the disease. An influence of the altered morphology of secondar
y lymphoid organs in C57B/6-TNF-/- (B6.TNF-/-) mice on the course of diseas
e could be excluded by the generation of reciprocal bone marrow chimeras. A
lthough infected B6.TNF-/- mice mounted an L, major-specific IFN-gamma resp
onse and expressed IL-12, the onset of the immune reaction was delayed, Aft
er in vitro stimulation, B6.TNF-/- inflammatory macrophages released 10-fol
d less NO in response to IFN-gamma than B6,WT cells. However, in the presen
ce of a costimulus, e.g., L, major infection or LPS, the production of NO b
y B6.WT and B6.TNF-/- macrophages was comparable, In vivo, inducible NO syn
thase protein was readily detectable in skin lesions and draining lymph nod
es of B6.TNF-/- mice, but its expression was more disperse and less focal i
n the absence of TNF, These are the first data to demonstrate that TNF is e
ssential for the in vivo control of L, major.