Cg. Roques et al., Fusobacterium nucleatum involvement in adult periodontitis and possible modification of strain classification, J PERIODONT, 71(7), 2000, pp. 1144-1150
Background: This investigation was designed to evaluate the involvement of
Fusobacterium nucleatum clinical strains in adult periodontitis by subspeci
es and expression of hemagglutination activity.
Methods: Forty-nine Fusobacterium strains were isolated from 40 sites in 40
subjects presenting with adult periodontitis. F. nucleatum subspecies iden
tification was based on the electrophoretic migration of glutamate dehydrog
enase and 2-oxoglutarate reductase. Hemagglutination activity and inhibitio
n by galactose were tested on sheep erythrocytes.
Results: The 49 isolates belonged to the F. nucleatum species with a predom
inance of the nucleatum (34.7%) followed by the vincentii (26.5%) subspecie
s. In parallel, 71% of the strains belonging to the nucleatum subspecies we
re preferentially associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis. Prevotella inte
rmedia/ nigrescens detection was essentially correlated with identification
of Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies vincentii. No correlation was establ
ished between any particular subspecies and the pathogenicity factors teste
d (hemagglutination and production of short-chain fatty acids). On the othe
r hand, significant predominance (65%, P = 0.017) of strongly hemagglutinat
ing strains (titre greater than or equal to8 U) was observed in the sites w
here Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia/nigrescens and/or Camp
ylobacter rectus were not detected. These strains also showed higher butyri
c acid production.
Conclusion: The importance of the adherence factors for Fusobacterium nucle
atum strains and their multimodal aspect may indicate a higher pathogenicit
y or a higher involvement of certain strains and could lead to a classifica
tion of these strains, which is more closely related to their implication i
n the development of periodontal disease.