1. The present investigation measured the load-displacement and stress-stra
in characteristics of the proximal and distal human triceps surae aponeuros
is and tendon in vivo during graded voluntary 10 s isometric plantarflexion
efforts in five subjects.
2. During the contractions synchronous real-time ultrasonography of aponeur
osis displacement, electromyography of the gastrocnemius, soleus and dorsif
lexor muscles, and joint angular rotation were obtained. Tendon cross-secti
onal area and moment arm were obtained from magnetic resonance (MR) images.
Force and electromyography data from dorsiflexion efforts were used to exa
mine the effect of coactivation.
3. Tendon force was calculated from the joint moments and tendon moment arm
, and stress was obtained by dividing force by cross-sectional area. Aponeu
rosis and tendon strain were obtained from the displacements normalised to
tendon length.
4. Tendon force was 3171 +/- 201 N, which corresponded to 2.6% less than th
e estimated force when coactivation was accounted for (3255 +/- 206 N). Apo
neurosis displacement (13.9-12.9 mm) decreased 30% (9.6-10.7 mm) when accou
nting for joint angular rotation (3.6 deg). Coactivation and angular rotati
on-corrected stiffness yielded a quadratic relationship, R-2 = 0.98 +/- 0.0
1, which was similar for the proximal (467 N mm(-1)) and distal (494 N mm(-
1)) aponeurosis and tendon. Maximal strain and stress were 4.4-5.60/;. and
41.6 +/- 3.9 MPa, respectively, which resulted in a Young's modulus of 1048
-1474 MPa.
5. The mechanical properties of the human triceps surae aponeurosis and ten
don in vivo were for the first time examined. The stiffness and Young's mod
ulus exceeded those previously reported for the tibialis anterior tendon in
vivo, but were similar to those obtained for various isolated mammalian an
d human tendons.