Numerical simulations are presented that document the strong effect of a pr
eviously underappreciated portion of two-stage thermal treatments used in t
he study of nucleation processes: the "heat-up'' process whereby samples ar
e heated from ''nucleation" conditions to "growth" conditions. The simulati
ons indicate that two limiting regimes exist, dependent on (a) the cluster
size distribution of as-quenched glasses, (b) the temperatures used for nuc
leation and growth, and (c) the rates of heating and cooling: (1) all clust
ers larger than the critical size at growth conditions (n(g)*) will grow to
macroscopic size (the "standard" case); and (2) all clusters larger than t
he critical size at nucleation conditions (n(nuc)*) will grow to macroscopi
c size. In addition, cases in which the "effective critical size" (n(eff)*
is intermediate between n(gr)* and n(nuc)* can also occur. Cases in which n
(eff)* < n(gr)* is manifested during nucleation experiments as an abrupt bo
ost in crystal number density during the heat-up from nucleation to growth
conditions, as all dusters larger than n(eff)* are rapidly "flushed" past n
(gr)*. For the system studied herein, this can lead to a 10(6)-fold increas
e in final number density within seconds to a few minutes. Finally, the imp
ortance of structural relaxation for this process is demonstrated by examin
ing a case in which the nucleation temperature is below the nominal glass t
ransition temperature.