Previous research suggests that minority residential ai-eas have a dispropo
rtionate likelihood of hosting various environmental hazards. Some critics
have responded that the contemporary correlation of race and hazards may re
flect post-siting minority move-in, perhaps because of a risk effect on hou
sing costs, rather than discrimination in siting. This article examines the
disproportionate siting and minority move-in hypotheses in Los Angeles Cou
nty by reconciling tract geography and data over three decades with firm-le
vel information on the initial siting dates for toxic storage and disposal
facilities. Using simple t-tests, logit analysis, and a novel simultaneous
model, we find that disproportionate siting matters more than disproportion
ate minority move-in in the sample area. Racial transition is also an impor
tant predictor of siting, suggesting a role for multiracial organizing in r
esisting new facilities.