Background. Some clinical studies demonstrate that kidney grafts with prolo
nged cold ischemia experience early acute rejection more often than those w
ith minimal ischemia. The mechanism, however, is putative. Therefore, the a
im of this study was to unravel the impact of ischemia on the immune respon
se in rat kidney allografts compared with that in isografts.
Methods. To induce ischemic injury, donor kidneys were preserved for 24 hou
rs in 4 degreesC University of Wisconsin solution before transplantation. N
o immunosuppression was administered. The histomorphology according to the
BANFF criteria for acute rejection and infiltrating cells were assessed at
days 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 post-transplantation.
Results. In allografts, exposure of the kidney to ischemia led to a signifi
cantly earlier onset of interstitial cell infiltration and tubulitis compar
ed with nonischemic allografts. The BANFF score of interstitial cell infilt
ration was 1 +/- 0 vs. 0.25 +/- 0.29 at day 3 and 2 +/- 0 vs. 1.25 +/- 0.25
at day 4. In contrast, in isografts, the effect of ischemia on the histolo
gy was not significant. From day 6, the histologic differences between isch
emic and nonischemic grafts disappeared. Ischemia led to a more intense exp
ression of P-selectin (day 1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1; d
ay 2), and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II on endothelium a
nd proximal tubular cells (day 2) in both allografts and isografts. Concurr
ently with the up-regulated ICAM-1 and MHC expression, significantly more C
D4(+) cells and macrophages infiltrated the ischemic allografts at days 2 a
nd 3 and the ischemic isografts at day 4. Importantly, the influx of these
cells after ischemia was significantly greater in allografts than in isogra
Conclusions. Cold ischemia augments allogeneic-mediated cell infiltration i
n rat kidney allografts. The earlier onset of acute rejection in 24-hour co
ld preserved allografts may be prevented by better preservation or treatmen
t using tailored immunosuppression.